28 Jan

QA, QC, And Testing Are Not Synonyms

When new tech candidates go looking for QA tester jobs in Oklahoma, they often confuse them with quality control (QC). It is common for job seekers to use testing, QA, and QC as synonyms. While they all are paths to ensuring the quality of software or app, using them interchangeably is inaccurate.

What Is Quality Assurance In Software?

Quality assurance or QA includes the whole software or application development process. Think of it as the umbrella that protects the end product. Through QA testing, you guide your build towards a version that meets not only end-user needs but also your business’s.

QA Vs. QC Vs. Testing

The easiest way to understand the difference between QA, QC, and testing is to think of them as a hierarchical process. Testing is at the base. It is part of the bigger QC process. QC is part of QA and guarantees that the QA process is correctly implemented. Right at the top is quality assurance. It creates the procedure through which an app or software is built, and quality is evaluated.

Read More : Qa Tester Jobs In Salt Lake City In An Agile World 

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